Industrial Manufacturing

Tips When Buying A Rethreading Die

Over the years, the threads on bolts and screws can become rusted. Instead of just leaving them in this condition, you can restore them using rethreading dies. If this special tool can benefit your operations, then this advice will prove vital to a successful shopping experience. Find an Optimal Size In order to get the most effective cutting results when using a rethreading die, you need the right size. There are a lot of standard options, but your choice will depend on the particular nuts or bolts you're trying to fix.

Why Use Progressive Die Stamping?

If you need to produce metal parts, then you may have decided to use a stamping process. This is a common way to shape metal — you basically take a sheet and use dies to create the parts you need as they shape the metal to size. At this stage, you'll need to decide which kind of stamping process to use. While some manufacturers favor multi-slide manufacturing where different dies work on the metal at the same time, there are advantages to using a progressive technique.

Metal Fabrication Tips That Can Lead To A Successful Project

If you plan on using metal in a work project, it's important to carefully approach the fabrication process. That's where these tips can help. They'll ensure this custom metal fabrication works out in your favor and delivers optimal results for your project, whether it's siding for a metal building or some sort of metal support. Have a Vision Before Fabricating Before you start fabricating metal, it's important to first come up with a vision.

Why You Should Consider LDPE Plastic For Tubing

Low-Density Polyethylene plastic is usually used to make thin yet tough plastic linings for things like bread, dry cleaning, and newspapers. However, this material can also be used to make tubing for a wide range of applications such as airlines, potable water, and even cable jacketing. Here are three reasons why you should consider using LDPE plastic in your tubing. Strong And Flexible One of the best reasons to use this material in an industrial or manufacturing environment is because it is simultaneously strong and flexible.

Repairing Your Damaged Hydraulic Cylinders

Hydraulic systems are vital to a number of businesses as they can be essential for powering the equipment that these businesses may rely on using. Unfortunately, hydraulic cylinders can malfunction, which can contribute to the system failing to work as well as the cylinder potentially suffering extensive structural damage. Appreciate That Replacing The Damaged Hydraulic Cylinder May Be Avoidable When a hydraulic cylinder suffers major damage, replacement is one option that can be used to repair the machine.

Taking Advantage Of Metal Finishing For Your Company's Products

Depending on the products that your business manufacturers, you may need to invest in commercial-quality metal finishing services. While these services can be essential for metal items, small and upstart businesses will often fail to fully take advantage of the options for metal finishing. Are The Benefits Of Metal Finishing Purely Cosmetic? Individuals will often assume that investing in a metal finishing service is only done to improve the appearance of the metal before it is used in products.

When Should You Look For Laser Cutting?

Among the many ways you can have steel cut and formed for your projects is laser cutting. This newer (though it's been around for a while now) technology offers some distinct benefits over other fabrication forms such as punching. Laser cutting shouldn't be used in every situation, of course, and sometimes the dividing line is a bit fuzzy. But if you need precise cuts in certain types of metal, laser cutting is a fantastic way to get the job done.

3 Tips For Buying Door Lite Kits For Commercial Doors

Commercial doors are important because they provide security and protection and can be improved when you install door lite kits. Door lite kits are add-ons for commercial doors that are installed to make your business a lot safer. They provide light exactly where you need it so you can make a quick exit in an emergency. You will also illuminate your business during power outages when you install door lite kits.

Cooling Tower Systems: A Look At The Common Parts And Their Purposes

Cooling towers are a valuable part of a lot of industrial operations. If your company relies on these towers, it can be helpful to know some of the parts that commonly have to be replaced.  Water Level Switches  Water level switches are small switches that are designed to kick on and off as the water level changes with the tank. For example, when the tank is in the process of refilling automatically, a water level switch will turn on to allow water in and then kick off to shut down the water inlet valve or faucet.

3 Things You Should Do Before Purchasing An Industrial Air Filtration System

You might already be planning on buying an industrial air filtration system. After all, one of these systems can be used to improve indoor air quality within your facility, which might be important to you. Although you will probably want to make this purchase soon, you might not want to rush into purchasing an industrial air filtration system just yet. Instead, you will probably want to do these things first.